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    SEO Positioning: Original Content

    1. Original content

    Although this seems obvious, I wanted to highlight it. Google greatly penalizes "copiotas", so to speak in a friendly way. Discover that there are two or more duplicate content and will penalize the second one who has entered that information on the Internet.

    However, you will be thinking "but I can't place anything repeated on my website? In this case, Google would penalize you, so the solution could be to take a screenshot and enter it as an image on your website.

    To be clear from when Google will penalize us, it's about 20%. If in a post we introduce a famous phrase from an author, there will be no problem, because it will be less than 20%. But you know, beware of introducing more than that 20%.

    SEO Positioning: High Visiting Time

    2. Get a high visiting time

    Another of the ways that Google has to know which web pages are the best is the time spent on the site. If it detects that your users spend a lot of time on your website, it will benefit you by improving your position in the rankings.

    What can we do so that users do not leave the web quickly? Mainly, that our website is optimized and we have good content, just what they demand, of course. But also, we can increase the time with videos and images, for example.

    Because as users, we are usually in a hurry, and when we scan a page or post, we only stop if we see something that catches our attention. Therefore, if we use infographics and videos, there are more possibilities for the user to stop and increase the time spent on our website.

    SEO Positioning: Social Networks

    3. Share on Social Networks

    The more shared your content is on Social Networks, the better your SEO positioning. Make it easy for your users, place social media buttons in visible areas of your website, and of course in your blog articles, so that if they liked what you have written they have it easy to share. When you write good content, your users feel grateful for the valuable information you have given them and want to share it with their entire community.

    I must mention the case of Google+. It is nothing new that the social network of Google does not just curdle in users, therefore, the search engine greatly benefits those who use it. If we share our blog posts and pages on Google+, it benefits us greatly for our positioning.

    As an anecdote I will tell you that when I started on this web page and social networks, I created a profile in Google My Business for my mother's store, where all the information that is entered is linked to Google+. I introduced your website, which at that time had a very bad SEO (I think it appeared on the sixth page of the search results). The next day, I was in number one position.

    Also, keep in mind those people who know that your content may like, write them an e-mail or private message individually, do not assume that they have seen your publication on social networks.

    SEO Positioning: Linked Content

    4. Linked content

    What does this mean? That from our website we link to other sites, social networks, other posts, etc. Both internal and external links. And also that our website is linked from other sites: other blogs of our theme that we find interesting our content, other websites that recommend us, all our social networks should lead to our website, etc.

    But beware of this. It is very important that these links are good, it is worth nothing that a web page in another language, with malicious content, viruses or without any content link us. In fact, if Google discovers a huge amount of linked content, from places nothing related to our theme, it will penalize us.

    We must take into account the broken links, since it may not have been broken the first time we wrote it, but that website has changed its domain, has disappeared, etc. Therefore, we must analyze the volume of broken links and correct them. A very good tool to analyze how many broken links are on our website is Brokenlinkcheck.

    SEO Positioning: Keywords

    5. Keywords

     Above all, in titles and subtitles, in the first 200 words of the text, throughout the text in bold or italic, in the meta-description, in the title and alternative.

    In addition to being in many places, you must analyze how much you will repeat them. Ideally, these keywords be repeated 0.5% throughout the entire text. There are numerous tools that calculate your percentage of keywords.

    But what words do we choose? Of course, closely related to your subject, but we must conduct a study of keywords to analyze which words have a higher search volume, since those will be the ones we use to position ourselves. One tool you can use to analyze keywords is the Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

    SEO Positioning: Subtitles

    6. Use subtitles

    This is very important to make our users an easier and more enjoyable read, and do not run from our blog when seeing so much text together. Therefore, use subtitles, bold, italic, line spacing, photographs, etc. All this will ensure that it is easily scannable and quick to read.

    SEO Positioning: Mentions

    7. Mentions

    Another way to gain visibility and SEO positioning is to make posts in which we name other bloggers, people or companies, for example rankings. And of course, that these are professionals in their sector and with many labor relations (keep in mind that you are recommending them).

    SEO Positioning: Value Content

    8. Write valuable content

    Obviously, this is one of the most important aspects for SEO positioning. If you write and share only your company's commercial content, they will not share it, they will not interact, etc. So Google will understand that it is not good content, and will not position you.

    Although at first you think that it is not relevant for your company to write a blog, rethink it, it is a simple way to generate valuable content, make yourself known and position your brand.

    9. Write on blogs as a guest

    Another great way to get to know and position your brand or blog is to write in other blogs as a guest. There are numerous blogs that allow you to write on them, following some guidelines that indicate you. In this way, you make yourself known and these blogs, which have thousands of followers, share you and help you position yourself, since by leaving the url of your blog you are gaining internal links.

    SEO Positioning: Responsive

    10. Responsive website

    What does this mean? That fits perfectly to any device, be it mobile, tablet, e-book, pc, television, etc. This has become one of the most important requirements that Google indicates to be able to position you favorably, since currently most users navigate with a mobile or tablet. So if our website is not responsive, they will leave immediately, generating a high bounce rate.

    A very useful tool to analyze if your website is responsive is Screen Fly, in it you can change the device to see how your page would appear in each of them. You should analyze that the buttons are not too small, that the photos also adapt and do not occupy the entire screen, that you do not have to use your fingers to enlarge because the letter is very small, etc.

    SEO Positioning: Timeless Contents

    11. Timeless contents

    To ensure a good SEO positioning you must write timeless content, no breaking news. Because current news will stop receiving searches soon, and even if you receive a large number of searches quickly, then it will be worthless content, because it is obsolete.

    In addition, if you want to position yourself writing news, you will be competing with major brands of newspapers, magazines, etc. They will stop you.

    Likewise, although we write timeless content, we must take into account the updates that may have over time. For example, if you make a ranking of the best mobile applications, you should be aware if one stops working, changes its name or ceases to be one of the best.

    SEO Positioning: Videos

    12. Youtube videos

    Before I indicated that it is highly recommended to place videos on our pages and blogs because it increased the time spent on the web. The ideal is YouTube, because being Google this will help the positioning in your search engine.

    Likewise, it is not advisable to upload videos directly to our website, because this will slow down the operation, loading speed and decrease storage space.

    Another platform to link videos would be Vimeo, another social network that is currently on the rise and that many prefer in comparison to YouTube.

    SEO Positioning: Quick Pages

    13. Quick pages

    The great mystery, how to get a faster loading of our website? The main point to consider is the template we use, followed by how many plugins we have installed. We must analyze whether we really use them all, or if we prefer to replace one that slows the load a lot by another that is more successful.

    The other main reason that makes our website load slowly are the images, we must optimize them to the maximum. Place images with the exact pixels they need, images that weigh little but are of good quality, etc. A great online tool to reduce the weight of our images without reducing quality is Tinypng.

    How do I analyze the loading time of my website? There are many websites that analyze it, but without a doubt, the best is GTmetrix. If you exceed 6 seconds of loading, you must stop to analyze what makes your website slow down and optimize it to the maximum.

    SEO Positioning: Anchor Text

    14. Links with anchor texts

    What are anchor texts? When we link content, we can simply put the url or a word in which, if you click it directs you to the web page that has linked. This word or set of words is the anchor text.

    To improve SEO positioning, it is more convenient to make links with these anchor texts and of course, that these texts are keywords of the website to which we are linking. It is not the same to link saying "this page" than to link saying "this SEO guide", since you are giving valuable information regarding the website to which you want to take the user.

    Likewise, it is convenient to vary the anchor texts, not always use them. Since Google could penalize these links.

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